Primary Beginnings child care centers in Raleigh will be celebrating health and fitness this week!
Autumn Outdoor Activity Ideas for Kids:
- Rake up a big leaf pile and let the kids jump in and demolish it. If they're older (i.e. not infant or preschool) ask them to help you rake up the leaves each time.
- Collect different colored and shaped leaves. Fall is the perfect time to notice all of the different trees that make up the North Carolina landscape. In Raleigh alone we have Elm, Oak, and Maple trees. Challenge your kids to find a leaf from each one and compare colors and shapes. Save the "best" ones in a scrapbook.
- Put out bird feeders in your yard. Let children help feed the birds as they stock up on seeds and nuts for the winter.
- Have a family photo contest. Most people have digital cameras or at least a camera on their cell phone. Have your kids use the camera to take pictures of things they notice outside. Then share or even print out some of the pictures to share with the rest of the family (or put in the mail for grandma!).
- Take an after dinner walk on the Raleigh Greenway as a family.