Fire Prevention Week for Raleigh Preschoolers

From October 6-12, Fire Prevention Week will be held in order to spread the word about fire safety, especially for preschool-aged children. Primary Beginnings schools will hold a fire safety and prevention day on October 9th. Fire safety and prevention is taught in our Raleigh preschools every year, but it is important for parents to do their part in educating their children on what to do if there’s ever a fire in their home. By taking fire safety seriously, you can improve the chances of your family escaping a fire unharmed drastically.

Preschool Fire Safety

Make a Fire Escape Plan

Your home fire escape plan should be simple and easy for your pre-k children to read and comprehend. Make sure you include these items in your plan:
  • The name of each room.
  • TWO exits from every room. It’s important to have an alternate exit strategy for every room.
  • Safe meeting place. Make sure your spot is in the front of the house, in far enough proximity to the home to stay safe, and marked my an inanimate object (“x” marks the spot!) such as a fire hydrant or light pole.

Smoke Detectors

Placing smoke detectors in your home increases the chance that the entire family will get out of the house safely. Make sure there are a few throughout the house, especially in bedrooms. Test them a few times a year to make sure they are working. Make sure your kids know the sound of the alarm.

Keep and Eye Out for Safety Hazards

Hazards can happen anywhere, especially with toddler and preschool children who get into everything around the house. Make sure there aren’t too many items plugged into one outlet, there’s not a shirt hanging over a lamp, or worn out electrical cords anywhere. Among hazards like this, another important fire safety reminder is specifically for in the kitchen, as fires start here more than any other place in the home. Make sure you go over your fire escape plan and check your smoke detectors a few times throughout the year, and always keep your eye out for safety hazards.

“A family that practices together, escapes together!”

Primary Beginnings Child Development Centerss in Raleigh encourage you to take the time during Fire Prevention Week to go through these tips, and talk with your preschooler about the dangers of fire and how they can be prevented. Primary Beginnings has two Raleigh preschool locations to conveniently serve the Triangle. Request a tour to learn more about our centers!