Our Raleigh Preschool Particpates in Pinwheels for Prevention!

Every April, Primary Beginnings participates in National Prevent Child Abuse Month. We proudly display blue pinwheels outside of our Raleigh preschools to show our support for Prevent Child Abuse America. This is a cause that we are very passionate about, and as we work to eliminate child abuse of all kinds, we encourage all parents to get involved as well. Pinwheels for Prevention of Child Abuse

Why We Participate

We love children. We believe that all children should be loved, supported, and encouraged to be the best they can be every day. Children need and deserve a safe, positive environment where they can learn and grow without being afraid of abuse of any kind. This is a cause that is very dear to the hearts of all of our teachers and staff. We proudly continue to support this cause and will for years to come. We hope that our efforts will help to end child abuse.

Types of Child Abuse

Child abuse comes in many sad forms. There is neglect, verbal abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and emotional abuse. Not all child abuse results in visible signs or scars. Verbal and emotional abuse is just as dangerous as physical or sexual abuse but doesn’t have physical signs. Child abuse is usually a series of repetitive acts, or failing to meet a child’s basics needs consistently. The abuse usually gets worse or more intense as it progresses, which makes it even more important to stop the abuse as soon as possible.

How You Can Help Prevent Child Abuse

First of all, educate yourself on what child abuse is, and what the signs of an abused child are. Abuse doesn’t pertain to one race, one social class, or one culture; it can adhere to anyone. Be on the lookout for anything you think might indicate abuse of some kind. Call your local child abuse hotline – you can do this anonymously – and it could save a child’s life. Being a positive influence in a child’s life can also make them feel comfortable coming to you for help if they are a victim of abuse.

Help our Raleigh Child Care Centers Make a Difference!

Primary Beginnings will be participating in Pinwheels for Prevention. Learn more about what our preschools in Raleigh offer by scheduling a tour of one of our locations.