Celebrating World Teachers’ Day

international teachers day raleigh preschool

Today is World Teachers' Day, and our Raleigh preschool is excited to celebrate and share this day with you and your family. To help you learn more about this day, we're sharing what World Teachers' Day is, how it came to be, this year's theme, and how you can celebrate!

What Is World Teachers' Day?

Also called International Teachers' Day, it's celebrated every year on October 5th to commemorate the anniversary of the 1966 ILO/UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers. This document set forth the rights and responsibilities of teachers as well as standards of preparation and education, rights of employment, and learning conditions. It is basically a global charter that sets standards for the treatment of teachers from classes they take in college to the conditions they need for optimal teaching and learning. This document revolutionized how teachers were treated, and it's followed around the world to this day, almost 55 years later.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) named October 5th as World Teachers' Day as an opportunity to focus on "appreciating, assessing, and improving the educators of the world," and also put a spotlight on issues and challenges teachers are facing. Plus, it gives students and parents the opportunity to show appreciation to the teachers in their life for the impact they make.

The 2020 International Teachers' Day Theme

Every year, UNESCO names a theme for the day and is co-convened with UNICEF, the International Labour Organization, and Education International. Previous themes include "Empowering Teachers" (2017) and "Young Teachers: The Future of the Profession" (2019). This year's theme is "Teachers: Leading in Crisis, Reimagining the Future" which was chosen to recognize the massive challenges teachers have faced through the global COVID-19 pandemic.

"In this crisis, teachers have shown, as they have done so often, great leadership and innovation in ensuring that #LearningNeverStops, that no learner is left behind. Around the world, they have worked individually and collectively to find solutions and create new learning environments for their students to allow education to continue. Their role advising on school reopening plans and supporting students with the return to school is just as important.”

This was a joint statement from Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO, Guy Ryder, Director-General, International Labour Organization, Henrietta H. Fore, Executive Director, UNICEF, David Edwards, General Secretary, Education International on the occasion of World Teachers’ Day 2020

Ways to Celebrate World Teachers' Day

If you're looking at ways to celebrate or recognize a teacher in your life, consider these ideas:

  • Have your older children write notes of appreciation to their favorite teachers or thank you cards, especially to the teachers who made a big impact;
  • Younger children can draw pictures or make cards that show what their teachers mean to them;
  • Send a small appreciation gift, like a coffee mug, gift card to a local coffee shop, or a gift basket.

Wishing All Teachers a Joyful World Teachers' Day

At Primary Beginnings, we wanted to take an opportunity to wish our teachers a joyful International Teachers' Day, and recognize them for all their hard work and dedication to providing a nurturing, fun, and engaging setting for children to learn and grow.

If you are searching for a preschool for your child where there is a safe, nurturing environment, positive social interaction, and caring adults available, schedule a tour at Primary Beginnings. Contact us today at our North Hills Drive location at 919-785-0303 or our Spring Forest location at 919-790-6888 or schedule a tour below!