Child Day Care Centers Are Becoming Safer

safe place preschoolDespite sensationalized news stories about sex offenders and unfortunate (though very rare) tragedies, child day care centers across the United States are actually becoming increasingly safer for children each year. While no public organization can be completely fail proof, the truth is that most child care providers are doing a good job of increasing measures to protect their students and community. So how are child day care centers becoming safer places for children and the community? Child Day Care Safety

Increased Security

Security measures are always being improved in schools. Especially concerning the picking up of children from the end of the school day. Extensive background checks and screenings are also being routinely done on day care staff. Surveillance cameras (both overt and covert) are increasingly being used to help increase safety on school campuses.

Communication with Parents are More Frequent

As technology improves, so does the communication between child care provider and parent. Where once a month printed newsletters used to suffice, technology now allows child care providers to use a variety of tools to provide parents with ongoing information about their child's day at school including: websites featuring a calendar of events and lesson plans, school lunch menus, and even articles and resources on early childhood education. An increasing number of day care centers and preschools, including Primary Beginnings, also offer parents the piece of mind of being able to receive text message alerts from the school about important events, closings, and emergency alerts. Preschool teachers also take photos of the children during various learning activities and share with the parents via email or Facebook.

Day Care Reviews are Easier to Find

The safety and well being of children in child day care centers is also being improved thanks to the internet's powerful ability to provide parents with first-hand testimonials and reviews of how a child care center is performing. Schools who do not uphold the highest standards in safety are quickly and publicly called-out by parents on review websites such as Yelp.