A Fun, Free 4th of July in Raleigh with Kids

If you're looking for family friendly fun this Fourth of July, there are plenty of options available! However, it can sometimes be hard picking out the right activities that are welcoming to toddlers and small children that don't break your budget.  To help you decide, our Raleigh preschool has put together a list of the best Fourth of July events around Raleigh that are free and the whole family will love! 

Daytime Events 4th of July Events in Raleigh

If you want to celebrate with your kids early in the day, before it gets too hot or if you have plans in the evening, here are some earlier events scheduled in the morning through early afternoon:

celebrating 4th of July Raleigh preschool and child care
Independence Day Olde Time Celebration 

Where: Cary - Fred G. Metro Bond Park at the Boathouse 

When: Activities begin at 8:00 a.m. and end at 6:00 p.m.

For small town nostalgic fun, head to Bond Park for the Independence Day Olde Time Celebration, an all-day event geared toward family fun. Activities include: 

  • Fishing tournament
  • Parade in the Park where everyone is welcome to decorate their stroller, wagon, bike, trike, or themselves and join the parade led by the Cary Town Band
  • Family contests divided by age group starting at 5 and under that include Lake Side Olympics, Donut Eating, Seed Spitting, and Sidewalk Decorating

Children's Parade and Art in the Park

Where: Wake Forest ; Parade - North Main and West Juniper Avenue, Art in the Park - 133. W. Owen Avenue  

When: Lineup at 10:00 a.m. for the parade; Art in the Park is from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Children (and parents) are welcome to walk, trike, bike, stroll, or be pulled in a wagon through a Children's Parade in downtown Wake Forest. Come dressed in your red, white, and blue and feel free to decorate your wheels. It's free and no registration is required, but children on bikes have to wear their helmets!

Art in the Park invites children of all ages to take part in fun, Fourth of July themed arts and crafts projects that's great for toddlers and preschoolers who like to get creative! Plus, there are plenty of games for kids to get active!

Olde Fashioned Fourth of July

Where: Historic Downtown Apex

When: Activities begin at 9:00 a.m. and end at 1:00 p.m.

Head to Historic Downtown Apex for all types of kid-friendly fun at the Olde Fashioned Fourth of July! It starts at 9:00 a.m. with a speech from the Mayor commemorating the event and raising the flag. Then, the activities gets started and include: 

  • Inflatables and giant slides
  • Ice cream and food vendors
  • Face painting
  • Karaoke contests 
  • Carnival games and climbing walls
  • Parade of Wheels for kids on bikes and trikes or in strollers or wagons (feel free to dress up and decorate!)
  • Fire Department Splash Down

Afternoon and Evening Events in Raleigh

If you want to save the fun for later in the day, there's definitely plenty of stuff going on whether you want fireworks or a quieter celebration!

Town of Cary's July 4th Celebration

Where: Koka Booth Amphitheatre

When: Activities start at 3:00 p.m. and fireworks begin at dark. 

Bring a blanket and a picnic to the Booth Amphitheater for the bustling Town of Cary's July 4th Celebration! Gates open at 3:00 p.m. and kids' activities go from 3:00 to 7:00 p.m. and include: 

  • Rides and games (even a 50-foot Ferris Wheel!)
  • A show from Happy Dan the Magic Man
  • Venue-wide scavenger hunt
  • Watermelon eating contests
  • Interactive games with Flow Circus

Music from the Cary Town Band begins at 5:45, and the North Carolina Symphony will be playing patriotic music at 7:30 until the sun goes down and the fireworks begin!

6th Annual 4th On 1st Celebration

Where: Knightdale - Knightdale Station Park on 1st Avenue

When: 5:00 p.m. with fireworks at 9:15 p.m.

Head to Knightdale for the 6th Annual "4th on 1st Celebration" at Knightdale Station Park! Featuring plenty of food trucks, inflatables, and music from The Embers, it's a fun, laid-back event that both grown-ups and kids will enjoy! 

Brier Creek Commons 4th of July Fireworks and Block Party

Where: Raleigh - Brier Creek Commons, 8311 Brier Creek Parkway

When: Activities start at 7:00 p.m. with fireworks after dark.

If your little ones don't mind staying up a little late (or you don't mind them staying up a little late!), the Brier Creek Commons 4th of July party is a fun, family-friendly, star-spangled block party. Features include: 

  • Raffles and prizes
  • Vendors from Brier Creek merchants
  • Games
  • Bounce houses
  • Food trucks
  • Face painting

This is the only event that we've seen that includes a rain date of July 5th, so your holiday isn't a washout if it rains on the 4th!

Have a Safe Fourth of July from Our Raleigh Preschool

We know the Fourth of July is a fun, exciting day for kids and adults alike with picnics, parties, food, and fireworks, all to celebrate the U.S.A.! No matter what activity you choose, whether you want to go out and about with your kids or you prefer to celebrate at home, our Raleigh preschool wants to wish you a safe, happy holiday!

To learn more about our Raleigh preschool or schedule a tour to enroll your child, reach out to us. Give us a call at our North Hills Drive location at 919-785-0303 or our Spring Forest Location at 919-790-6888, or schedule your tour now.